Pregnancy endangers your career?

In principle, pregnancy can put your career at risk. Careers and one’s own children often cannot be reconciled. It usually makes sense to have a Schangerschaft as early as possible in the company. But can Pregnancy endangers your career?

There is an important limitation to a fixed-term contract without the material reason. In addition to a pregnant woman with a fixed-term contract, there are other employees who were also employed on a fixed-term basis. More about pregnancy at elternkompass. In principle, you should inquire with your boss three months before the expiry of the contract whether an extension or a term removal is to be expected.

It is usually the case that the employers expressly emphasise the fixed-term contracts. In such cases, a pregnant woman normally also receives unemployment benefit until the beginning of the maternity protection period. During maternity leave, the health insurance company pays this benefit. In most cases part-time work is the most common model.

The highly qualified women raise the average of the current numbers. More than half of all highly qualified women work part-time again directly after one year. Other women work only after their child is at least 2 years old. Some also continue to work full-time immediately afterwards. The most common model, however, remains the part-time model.

Career man vs. family man

It should still be worried about the working mothers. Because it is incredibly exhausting to be working as a mother on the side and to have time for your children at the same time. In addition, other people often lack the acceptance for this decision. Today, however, most men opt for the „career type“, while women usually devote themselves to the family. Many men and also women strive for both. Enjoying time with the family is essential.

More joie de vivre

If you can enjoy the time with the family, this usually leads to more joy of life. Accordingly, you should spend enough time with your social contacts. Even if it is not always easy with the Kind, you should also take enough time for your children, because this time will not come back so quickly. Also you should take time for the Erziehung of your children.

Occupation must fall by the wayside

Already with a child the occupation must remain usually on the distance. Many women start to reduce their working hours considerably. In most cases, men and women decide to reduce their working hours. So that the man can concentrate completely on his work. However, if you are in a higher management position, it is usually no longer possible to work part-time. This is why many women have to read their careers on ice when their children are around.


  • Often, one of the parents has to put his career on ice.
  • It is quite possible to reconcile children and career.